Friday, May 20, 2011

Dino-Mite Researchers

For the past several weeks, the Kindergarten classes have been learning about research. We have practiced developing questions, finding facts and answering our questions. As a tie-in to a classroom unit on "hatching," we began a library project that was centered around dinosaurs. Luckily, this was a subject that everyone was interested in!

Each student has chosen a dinosaur and used World Book Online in order to answer questions about his or her dino; what it ate, how it moved and what it looked like. We then talked about how we learn about dinosaurs since they are extinct, and talked a little bit about bones and fossils. As a final project, we created our own dinosaur fossils this week in the library!

Below are some of the things that we wondered about our dinos before we began our research. Also available for your viewing pleasure are a few of our fossils.


Miss Bacher

"I Wonder"
-Did my dinosaur move fast or slow?
-Did my dinosaur use its long neck to reach leaves on the trees?
-Would my dinosaur eat a person?
-Why did my dinosaur walk on 2 feet?
-Did my dinosaur have sharp teeth?
-Who would win in a fight, (insert dinosaur name) or T-Rex??

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Who Am I?

The first grade classes have been hard at work completing their animal research. They have each chosen an animal, formulated some questions about those animals, and used the facts which they have found in order to create the riddles in the video below. See if you can solve these tricky riddles!
Miss Bacher

Mrs. Armstrong's Class:

Miss Crowley's class:

I'm sure you came up with some great guesses!
Keep Reading!
-Miss B

"Do We" Know Dewey??

You bet we do! Many of the library classes have been familiarizing themselves with the good old Dewey Decimal System this year, and we have had some fun with this funny "rap", courtesy of YouTube. What do you think? We KNOW this song will get stuck in your head (I've been singing it for months!) but will it help you to find a book on the shelf?