Today, March 2, 2011, marks what would have been the 107th birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss. Here at Lincoln we have marked this occasion in several ways.
Grades K-2 have been listening to Dr. Seuss stories, discussing our favorites, and visiting in order to learn more about the author and his books.
Grades 3-5 have been researching information about Dr. Seuss' life and his writing career. We have been reading several of his books and discussing what a "moral" to a story is, as well as the messages we've found in the books we have read.
Today the 4th and 5th grades will be reading "The Lorax" and discussing the many messages contained within this story. "The Lorax" was a challenged book when it was first published, meaning that some groups of people wished to ban it from libraries and schools. As a class, we will be discussing why this may have happened, and will be staging our own debate in order to more clearly understand both sides.
Thus far, our learning has demonstrated the famous words of Dr. Seuss:
· “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
Keep Reading!
Miss Bacher
*Image courtesy of